Life Cafe
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Backup Your Data
Backup your data regularly…. Over 140,000 hard drives crash every week!!! You just never know. Your hard drive could fail at any time – new or old. You could get a virus, malware, or worse yet – Ransomware!!! If you have children that you let use your computer and that could lead to problems. You need to have backup copies
Dash Cam – Black Box B40C
This is a great Dash Cam. It is so small & mounts out of the field of vision in both of my vehicles. I purchased a 2nd micro usb adapter with a 10′ cable and installed it in the second vehicle. I used Command Picture Hanging Strips,and I move the Cam to whichever one I’m driving. In these days and times
Bushnell Waterproof 10×42 Roof Prism Binoculars
For years I wanted a really good pair of binoculars that I could see really clearly from but they were pretty expensive. I had always used my Father’s that he had when he was in the Army in WWII while he was stationed in Pearl Harbor. They were heavy and focusing was a chore to say the least, but I
Happy 4th of July!
July 4th 2017 – Happy 241st Birthday America!!! Technology has changed our life with warp speed in the past 10 years. Last week the news media were all talking about it being the 10 yr. anniversary of the iPhone! Ten… Wow, that sounds crazy. It sure doesn’t seem that long ago. Time does fly when you’re having fun! Who doesn’t
The goal of this blog is to provide a place for reviews and discussions around our passions, hobbies and dealing with life in general…. They include, today’s technology & it’s explosive growth, how we use it, and it’s effects in our everyday life @home, @work & @play…
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
-Theodore Roosevelt
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